Sample Programs
C Programming Examples
//query for completion
//read completion response
write_IO("MTESt:LOAD \"STM016_OC48.msk\"");//load OC-48 mask
//start mask test
write_IO("MTESt:COUNt:FSAMples?");//query the number of failed samples
Msk_hits1[read_IO(Msk_hits1, 15)]=0;//get the number of mask hits
write_IO("MTESt:TEST OFF"); //trun off the maks test
write_IO("MEASure:CGRade:CROSsing?");//query the crossing percentage
Crss_pct1[read_IO(Crss_pct1,15)]=0;//get the crossing percentage
write_IO("MEASure:CGRade:ERATio? DECibel");//query the extinction ratio
Ext_rat1[read_IO(Ext_rat1,15)]=0;//get the extinction ratio
write_IO("CHANnel3:DISPlay ON");//turn on channel three
//start acquistion
//query for completion
//read completion response
write_IO("MTESt:TEST ON"); //start mask test
write_IO("MTESt:COUNt:FSAMples?");//query the number of failed samples
Msk_hits2[read_IO(Msk_hits2, 15)]=0;//get the number of mask hits
write_IO("MEASure:CGRade:CROSsing?");//query the crossing percentage
Crss_pct2[read_IO(Crss_pct2,15)]=0;//get the crossing percentage
write_IO("MEASure:CGRade:ERATio? DECibel");//query the extinction ratio
Ext_rat2[read_IO(Ext_rat2,15)]=0;//get the extinction ratio
stop = clock();
//display the results
printf("Channel 1:\n Mask hits:%s Crossing %%:%s Extinction Ratio:%s\n",
printf("Channel 3:\n Mask hits:%s Crossing %%:%s Extinction Ratio:%s\n",
return (stop-start);
* Funciton Name: acquireParallel
* Parameters: none
* Returned value: int - the time to acquire the data
* Description: This routine is identical to acquireSerial, except that the data
* is aquired at the same time.
int acquire_parallel()
printf("Parallel Acquisition In progress\n");//status report
Содержание 86100A
Страница 18: ...1 14 Introduction Status Reporting Figure 1 4 Status Reporting Data Structures...
Страница 19: ...1 15 Introduction Status Reporting Status Reporting Data Structures continued...
Страница 94: ...2 40 Sample Programs BASIC Programming Examples...
Страница 124: ...4 16 Root Level Commands VIEW...
Страница 125: ...5 DATE 5 2 DSP 5 2 ERRor 5 3 HEADer 5 4 LONGform 5 5 MODE 5 6 SETup 5 7 TIME 5 7 System Commands...
Страница 132: ...5 8 System Commands TIME...
Страница 140: ...6 8 Acquire Commands SWAVeform RESet...
Страница 152: ...7 12 Calibration Commands STATus...
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Страница 202: ...12 10 Function Commands VERTical RANGe...
Страница 203: ...13 AREA 13 2 DPRinter 13 2 FACTors 13 3 IMAGe 13 3 PRINters 13 4 Hardcopy Commands...
Страница 316: ...21 12 TDR TDT Commands Rev A 05 00 and Below STIMulus...
Страница 332: ......
Страница 353: ...26 DISPlay 26 2 LOAD 26 2 SAVE 26 3 XOFFset 26 3 XRANge 26 3 YOFFset 26 3 YRANge 26 4 Waveform Memory Commands...