Separations Preview palette
Accurately predict how an Adobe InDesign document will color-separate, including spot
colors. The Separations Preview palette displays changes you make to overprinting, rich
black, and other press-related settings. An ink limit display shows the areas of a layout
that exceed the ink limit you specify. As you move the mouse over a page, each ink in the
Separations Preview palette displays the percentage of that ink under the mouse pointer,
acting as a digital densitometer. The preview appears in the regular document window so
you can edit the document while previewing separations or the ink limit.
The Separations Preview palette shows how process and spot colors will color-separate.
The Separations Preview palette also indicates areas exceeding the ink limit.
All Adobe InDesign
screen shots in this
document were
created with Mac OS X.
You can also use
Adobe InDesign CS in
Microsoft® Windows®
2000 with Service
Pack 2 or Windows XP.