To find commands that affect files in a book, look on the palette menu for that book. For
example, to preflight a book, you choose Preflight Book from the book palette menu. If you
choose Preflight from the File menu, you’ll preflight the frontmost open document only,
regardless of the documents selected in the book palette. Similarly, the File menu commands
to export a PDF or print affect the frontmost document only, not books; to print or export
books you must choose Print or Export commands from the book’s palette menu. The exact
name of the commands can change according to whether or not documents are selected in
the book palette.
Always preflight a book before creating output from it. Alert messages, such as those about
missing fonts and graphics, don’t appear when you open a book file because a book contain-
ing many documents could potentially generate an unwanted number of alerts.
Pay attention to which documents are selected in the book file. Some commands in the book
palette menu, such as the Preflight Book, Export Book to PDF, and Print Book commands,
operate on the selected documents only. To preflight, export, or print the entire book, make
sure that either no documents are selected or all documents are selected in the book palette.
When documents are selected in the book palette, the Preflight Book, Export Book to PDF,
and Print Book commands appear as the Preflight Selected Documents, Export Selected
Documents to PDF, and Print Selected Documents commands.
It’s possible to create and print a book where the page size and orientation varies with each
document in the book. You may want to check for this before setting up output media, by
double-clicking each file in the book palette. Normally there’s no need to open individual
files to create book output.
Re so lvi ng mo d i f ie d icons i n a b o o k
A modified icon (
) appears when a document in a book has changed since the last time
the book was saved. When a document in a book has been modified, it’s no longer certain
that the book’s pagination is correct, because pages may have been added to or deleted
from the modified document. For this reason, the only way to resolve a modified icon is to
repaginate the book, so that InDesign can determine whether pages were added or deleted
from the modified document and update the book accordingly.
Before you repaginate a particular book for the first time, it’s a good idea to preflight the
book first, to ensure that all necessary fonts are present. If fonts are missing, text may recom-
pose, causing line breaks to change. Repaginate only after consulting with the customer,
because it may alter the content (such as page numbering) of documents in the book.
To repaginate a book:
Choose Repaginate from a book’s palette menu.