or process plate, the screen will correctly show the ink aliasing you’ve applied. For more
information, see “Ink Manager” on page 87.
You can’t preview the overprinting effects of built-in trapping or Adobe In-RIP Trapping.
Separations preview displays only the effects of overprints applied manually through the
Attributes palette or by applying transparency.
You may want to disallow display performance overrides applied to individual graphics.
When you use Overprint Preview, Adobe InDesign uses High Quality Display mode to show
graphics at high resolution, except for graphics that have their own display performance
To display the Separations Preview palette:
Choose Window > Output Preview > Separations.
To remove unused colors (so extra inks won’t appear in the Separations Preview palette):
In the Swatches palette, choose Select All Unused, then click the Delete Swatch icon (the
trash can).
To preview separations:
1. In the Separations Preview palette, choose Separations from the View pop-up menu.
2. View any combination of separations by clicking eye icons to hide or show plates.
Clicking the CMYK eye icon shows all CMYK plates.