Info palette
View detailed information about the selected object. Like the Info palette found in other
Adobe applications, the Info palette in Adobe InDesign CS displays information such as
position, size, color swatch or values, and color space and profile. The Info palette also
indicates image metadata, if present.
The Info palette provides useful information about an image, including image resolution.
Significant for prepress providers, the Info palette indicates two resolution figures for a
selected image: Actual ppi, the resolution of the image as it was saved in another applica-
tion; and Effective ppi, which can be higher or lower than the Actual resolution if the image
is scaled within Adobe InDesign CS. For example, if a designer imports an image that
was saved at 300 dpi and scales it 200%, its effective resolution becomes 150 dpi. The Info
palette reports horizontal and vertical resolutions, which can indicate non-proportional or
anamorphic scaling.
Stroke enhancements
Overprint the gap color of dashed, dotted, or striped strokes, and control how strokes center
over a path. When working with dotted, dashed, or striped strokes that use a gap color other
than None, you can use the new Overprint Gap option on the Attributes palette to overprint
the gap color over underlying colors.
The Attributes palette features a new Overprint Gap option
Dotted, dashed, and striped strokes color-separate in a specific way. For the purposes of
color separation, think of the gap color not just as a gap, but as a continuous stroke of color
behind the dots, dashes, or stripes. During color separation, the Overprint Gap option
operates first on the gap color, then on the dots, dashes, or stripes. For example, if Overprint
Stroke and Overprint Gap are both selected for a dashed line, the gap color overprints
continuously along the entire length of the stroke, and then the stroke color overprints.