Setting up PDF export presets
If you’ve worked with print presets before, setting up PDF export presets will be familiar
to you.
To open the PDF Presets dialog box:
Choose File > PDF Presets.
To create or edit an Adobe PDF export preset:
1. In the PDF Presets dialog box, do one of the following:
To create a new preset, click New, and type a Name.
To change an existing custom preset, double-click the file in the list, or select the file and
click Edit.
2. Specify export settings as necessary in any of the panels listed in the menu under the
name, and then click OK. The options available in the panels are the same as those in the
Export PDF dialog box except for the Security options.
To rename or delete PDF export presets:
1. In the PDF Presets dialog box, do one of the following:
To rename an existing preset, select a preset in the list, click Edit, type a new name, and
then click OK.
To delete presets, select one or more presets in the list, click Delete, and then click OK to
confirm the deletion.
2. Click OK.
To load PDF export presets from another file:
1. In the PDF Presets dialog box, click Load.
2. Locate and double-click the file containing the presets you want to load, or select the file
and click Open.
To save PDF export presets:
1. In the PDF Presets dialog box, select one or more presets in the list to export.
2. Click Save. Specify a name and location, and then click Save.
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