SGM3000 Series Smart Meters
User Manual
Figure 7 Data Storage Formats
Demand Calculations
The SGM3000 Series meters support demand calculations using rolling demand or block
demand and accumulation/demand storage where the defined observables are stored
indefinitely based on defined accumulation intervals. The quantities that were chosen for data
accumulations will be available for demand calculations. The meter will continuously
accumulate all consumption values from the time the meter is installed and configured to
operate in metering mode. The following demand calculations can be stored:
Configuration of the demand parameters
Selection of the demand calculation interval
The demand calculation interval is selectable as follows:
To 5 minutes
To 10 minutes
To 15 minutes
To 20 minutes
To 30 minutes
To 60 minutes
Selection of the block demand, where data is accumulated based on one measurement
sample per interval
Selection of the rolling demand mode, where data is accumulated on multiple
measurements per interval
Selection of the number of sub-intervals, as the interval period divided by itself (for
example, 1 minute sub-intervals)
Selection of the number of sub-intervals as the interval period divided by 5 (for example, 1
sub-interval for 5 minutes, 2 for 10, 3 for 15, 4 for 20, 6 for 30 and 12 for 60)
Calculation of maximum and minimum values of the core observables
Calculation and storage of maximum demand