SGM3000 Series Smart Meters
User Manual
2.11 Relays
The SGM3000 Series meters are available in a variety of configurations, with a mix of supply
disconnect relays, direct connect load control relays, and a low current relay. This section
defines the physical and performance characteristics of the relays.
The open/close/arm/boost state of all relays in the SGM3000 Series meters is manually
configurable locally. Local configuration is via MeterMate and remote configuration via the AMI
Primary Supply Disconnect (Nominal 100 A) Relay
The primary supply disconnect/reconnect relay has a maximum current of 100 A.
Auxiliary Load Control (Nominal 32 A) Relay
The SGM3000 Series meters are available with options that include a load control relay. The
auxiliary load disconnect/reconnect relay has a maximum current of 32 A.
External Disconnect (Nominal 2 A) Relay
The SGM3000 Series meters are available with a nominal 2 A relay for management of an
external supply disconnect contactor. The SGM30C2 meters as well as direct connect variants
with load control also have a 2 A relay for auxiliary load control functionality. The supply
disconnect/reconnect relay has a maximum current of 2 A.
Relay Status
The SGM3000 meters have a physical indicator visually informing whether the main supply
relay is open or closed or whether the meter is armed and ready for closing of the main supply
relay. The main supply open/close indicator is visible at all times.
The SGM300 Series meters have a physical indicator visually informing whether the auxiliary
load control relay is open or closed. The auxiliary load control open/close indicator is visible at
all times.
Physical Button Interface
The SGM3000 Series meters that have a primary supply disconnect relay (SGM3011, SGM3013,
SGM3022, SGM3023, SGM3031, SGM3033, and SGM30C2) have a supply arm/reconnect
The SGM3000 Series meters that have an auxiliary load control relay (SGM3013, SGM3022,
SGM3023, SGM3033, and SGM30C2) also have a boost button.
: The arm/reconnect button and the boost button will not be active at the same time. The
same physical button is used for both functions.
The SGM3000 Series meters have a display scroll button that toggles through the various meter