SGM3000 Series Smart Meters
User Manual
Metrology Functionality
The SGM3000 Series meters support a wide range of metrology related functions. The meters
will be more akin to a complete energy meter rather than just an electricity meter when
coupled with appropriate ZigBee devices for metering water and gas.
3.1 Multipurpose Energy Metering
The SGM3000 Series meters support storage and operation of multiple energy types, such as
electrical, water, and gas related observables. Electrical observables are measured by the meter
or transmitted to the meter via the HAN. Water and gas observables are transmitted to the
meter via the HAN only.
Preferred observables can be selected to be defined and stored independently for each storage
operation. These measurements include the following:
Demand calculations
Time of use storage
Load profile storage
Electricity Observables
The SGM3000 Series meters support measurement of multiple electricity based observables. Active Energy
The SGM3000 Series meters support measurement of the active energy delivered by the
network to the premise and the measurement of the active energy received by the network
from the premise. Active energy is measure in kWh. Reactive Energy
The SGM3000 Series meters support measurement of reactive energy when the current
waveform is leading the voltage waveform and when the current waveform is lagging the
voltage waveform. Reactive energy is measured in kVArh. RMS Voltage of Supply
Root mean square (RMS) voltage is calculated by taking the summation of the square of the
voltage sample, dividing by the number of samples, and taking the square root. The average
voltage will always be taken over the number of momentary intervals that have occurred. The
meters will keep totals for the sum of momentary interval voltages and the count of how many
momentary intervals have occurred and then calculate the average. The SGM3000 Series meter
family supports the following RMS measurement values:
RMS voltage (line to neutral) over a momentary interval