SGM3000 Series Smart Meters
User Manual
Figure 3 SGM3000 Smart Meter Family
The SGM3011 model is a single phase single element meter with a 100 A main supply relay.
The SGM3013 model is a single phase single element meter with a 100 A main supply relay, a
32 A load control relay, and a 2 A load control relay.
The SGM3022 model is a single phase dual element meter with a 100 A main supply relay and a
32 A load control relay.
The SGM3022 meter has a dedicated terminal connected to the second element to support
connection of micro-generation power systems and will measure the energy provided by the
micro-generation system prior to any energy being consumed to support gross tariff markets.
The 32 A load control relay is measured by the primary element.
The SGM3023 model is a single phase dual element meter with a 100 A main supply relay, a 32
A load control relay, and a 2 A load control relay.
The second element of SGM3023 meter will measure the energy consumed by both auxiliary