SGM3000 Series Smart Meters
User Manual
The gas based observables will be measured by a remote metrology device and transmitted to
the meter via the home area network (HAN) interface. The measurements include the
Measurement of the gas delivered to the premise
Gas consumed is typically measured in cubic metres.
The maximum of the consumed gas over a defined time period.
This is a measure of the maximum demand of gas, measured in cubic metres per hour.
The SGM3000 Series meters support storage of additions and subtractions of measured
quantities and the summation of measured quantities. Active Energy
The SGM3000 Series meters support the following active energy values:
Storage of the addition of the delivered plus received active energy
Absolute active energy is typically measured in kWh.
Subtraction of the delivered minus received active energy
Net active energy typically measured in kWh.
3.2 Data Storage
The following sections describe data storage functionality in the SGM3000 Series meters.
Data Storage Formats
The SGM3000 Series meters support ANSI C12.18 and DLMS/COSEM communication protocols.
The meter maintains data storage in the form of ANSI C12.19 tables. The meter will respond
through ANSI C12.19 tables for the ANSIC12.18 protocol. The meter will convert the data in the
ANSI C12.19 tables for communication in the DLMS/COSEM protocol.
The SGM3000 Series meters support communication of energy data using the prescribed table
structures and protocols in accordance with the various parts of the ANSI C12 standard and in
accordance with the various parts of the IEC 62056 standard.
The meters support both ANSI and IEC standards with a single build of firmware. At any time,
only one protocol will be active for remote (AMI) and local (optical) communication. The
selected communication protocol will always apply to both local and remote communication. It
will not be possible to select ANSI for local and IEC for remote communication, or vice versa.