IM DL350-01EN
Waveform Display On and Off
You can select whether to display each port’s input signal waveforms. Each port corresponds to CH1 to CH4.
• ON: Shows the waveform
• OFF: Hides the waveform
Reading SENT Messages (Port Setup)
Setting the Format (SENT Format)
Set the message format for SENT signals.
Clock Tick (Clock Tick)
Set the reference clock period of SENT signals. The time between consecutive falling edges of the signal is
counted using this period. The clock tolerance is fixed at ±20.0%.
Selectable range: 1.00 μs to 100.00 μs
Resolution: 0.01 μs
Data Nibble Number (Data Nibble Number)
Set the number of data nibbles of Fast CH messages.
Selectable range: 1 to 8
Pause Pulse (Pause Pulse)
Select whether to include pause pulses in Fast CH messages.
ON: Pause pulses are included.
OFF: Pause pulses are not included.
CRC Type (CRC Type)
Select the CRC type.
Legacy: CRC is added using the type recommended in version FEB2008 and older.
Recommended: CRC is added using the type recommended in version JAN2010.
Slow CH Type (SlowCH Type)
Select the Slow CH message format.
Short (ID 4bit + Data 8bit): 4 bit message ID and 8 bit data field
Enhanced (ID 8bit + Data 12bit): 8 bit message ID and 12 bit data field
Enhanced (ID 4bit + Data 16bit): 4 bit message ID4 and 16 bit data field
Fast Channel Multiplexing (Fast Channel Multiplexing)
Select whether to handle (ON) or not handle (OFF) fast channel multiplexing.
ON: You can specify
and set the
of sub channels 5 to 9 to Fast CH.
OFF: The FC setup menu does not appear. The data type of sub channels 5 to 9 is fixed to Slow CH.
Fast channel multiplexing can be handled when the 720243 (SENT) module version is 0x07 or later.
4 Vertical Axis