IM DL350-01EN
• In Roll Mode
In roll mode, in which waveforms scroll from right to left, the time reference point is displayed as indicated
• When the Trigger Mode Is Auto Mode
The point in time when waveform acquisition was stopped is
the time reference point (right side of the screen).
Time reference point
• When the Trigger Mode Is Instant Start Mode (On Start)
The point in time when waveform acquisition was started is
the time reference point.
Time reference point
Trigger Delay (Trigger Delay)
This is a setting in scope mode.
The instrument normally displays waveforms before and after the trigger point. You can set a trigger delay to
display waveforms that the instrument has acquired a specified amount of time after the trigger occurrence.
Selectable range: 0.00 μs to 10000000.00 μs (10 s)
Resolution: 0.01 μs
Trigger point
T Trigger position
• If you change the time scale (Time/Div or Record Time) so that the unit becomes larger, because of
display-digit limitations, the delay time that you set when the unit was small will not appear in the setup
menu, but it is retained.
• You cannot specify a trigger delay when an external clock is being used as the time base.
5 Waveform Acquisition