IM DL350-01EN
Cursors (Cursor1, Cursor2)
When the save range is set to Cursor, set the save range with Cursor 1 and Cursor 2.
You can set in the range of –5 to +5 div from the center of the waveform display window.
• Scope mode: Set the positions in divisions.
• Recorder mode: Set the positions in terms of the time (ddhhmmss) corresponding to divisions.
The start and end points are similar to the settable range of the cursor display position in cursor measurement.
For details, see “Selectable Range of Cursor Positions.”
Detail Setup(Detail)
Decimal Point (Decimal Point)
When you save data in ASCII format, you can choose how to separate the data.
• Point (Point): The decimal point is a period, and the separator is a comma.
• Comma (Comma): The decimal point is a comma, and the separator is a period.
Data Removal Interval (Interval)
When you save data in ASCII format, you can thin out the data before you convert it to ASCII format. Set the
data removal interval.
OFF (no data is removed), 5 points (Per 5), 10 points (Per 10), 20 points (Per 20), 50 points (Per 50), 100 points
(Per 100), 200 points (Per 200), 500 points (Per 500), 1000 points (Per 1000), 2000 points (Per 2000), 5000
points (Per 5000)
For example, if you select Per 5, the data will be removed as indicated below.
First data point, +5, +10, +15...
Time Information (Time Info.)
When you save data in ASCII format, you can choose whether to save time information.
• ON: Time information is saved.
• OFF: Time information is not saved.
Saving Sub Channel Data (Sub Channel)
When you save data in ASCII format, you can choose how to interpolate the sub channel data of 16-CH voltage
input modules, 16-CH temperature/voltage input modules, .CAN bus monitor modules, CAN & LIN bus monitor
modules, and SENT monitor modules.
• Supplement (Supplement): Blank spaces are filled with repetitions of the same data so that the sub channels
have the same amount of data as an ordinary channel.
• Space (Space): Spaces are left where there is no data.
MATLAB Save Settings (MATLAB Save Setup)
You can select whether to include text format information (ON) or not (OFF).
Notes about Using the 16-CH Voltage Input Module (720220)
Notes about Using the 16-CH Temperature/Voltage Input Module (720221)
• If you change the extension of the saved data file, by using a PC or some other device, the instrument will
no longer be able to load it.
• Up to 1000 files and folders can be displayed in the file list. If there are more than a total of 1000 files and
folders in a given folder, the file list for that folder will display only 1000 files and folders. There is no way to
set which files and folders are displayed.
8 Saving and Loading Data