IM 253710-01E
Observation Time «For procedures, see section 6.1.»
The observation time represents the time span of one screen.
During normal measurement mode
The selectable range is from 10
s to 1 ks*. The sampling rate changes depending
on the observation time. The sampling rate is used to acquire the data to the
acquisition memory.
For information on the waveform display, see section 1.6 “Waveform Display.”
1 ks denotes 1000 s (16 minutes 40 seconds).
During the harmonic measurement mode
The observation time for the harmonic measurement mode is automatically
determined from the sampling rate that is determined from the fundamental frequency
of the PLL source (see page 1-9) and the record length (see next section). For the
relationship between observation time, sampling rate, and record length, see
Appendix 1.
For the harmonic measurement mode, the sampling rate depends on an external
signal referred to as the PLL source (signal under measurement or external clock
signal) and therefore, the observation time cannot be set uniformly as in the normal
measurement mode. In the harmonic measurement mode, the time it takes to store
the record length of sampled data in the acquisition memory is the time displayed on
one screen.
Record length «For procedures, see section 6.2.»
During the normal measurement mode
On this instrument, the record length refers to the data capacity of the acquisition
memory per channel. It can be selected as 100 k-, 1 M- (option), or 4 M-(option)
The sampled data in the acquisition memory are P-P compressed (see page 1-27)
and displayed. The number of data points displayed on the screen is referred to as
the display record length. The size of the display record length varies depending on
the observation time setting and the maximum size is equal to the record length.
When the observation time is long, the record length and display record length are the
same, but when the observation time is short, the display record length becomes
shorter than the record length.
During the harmonic measurement mode
The record length can be selected as 100 k-, 1 M- (option), or 4 M-(option) words. For
the harmonic measurement mode, the display record length and record length are
always equal.
1.3 Acquiring Data (Voltage and Current Signals)