IM 253710-01E
• When [
List] is selected
Total or dc (0th order) up to 500th order is displayed in the [order] section of the
Display setting menu. The measurement functions U, I, P, S, Q,
, and so on
for the harmonic order are displayed.
Page scrolling the display
You can page scroll when [Single List] or [Dual List] is selected.
• You can page scroll to list the numerical data corresponding to harmonic orders
that are higher than those currently displayed (up to 500th order).
• You can page scroll to list the numerical data corresponding to harmonic orders
that are lower than those currently displayed (down as far as Total or dc (0th
For the meanings of the measurement function symbols, see section 1.2, “Measurement
Modes and Measurement/Computation Periods,” 1.7 “Numerical Computation,” and appendix
2 “Symbols and Determination of Measurement Functions.”
For details regarding the wiring methods, A and B, see section 5.2, “Selecting the Wiring
You can display the harmonic order from Total or dc (0th order) up to 500th order. However,
numerical data that correspond to harmonic orders up to the upper limit of the analysis
determined by the frequency of the PLL source are actually determined from the harmonic
[-------] (no data) is displayed in places where the measurement function is not selected or
there are no numerical data.
If the measurement/computation results cannot be displayed using the specified decimal point
position or unit, [-OF-] (overflow) is displayed.
When the frequency of the measured value is outside the measurement range or when the
input signal is less than or equal to approximately 3.5% of the measurement range, fU or fI
will display an error [Error].
The phase difference during the harmonic measurement mode is displayed according to the
result of the equation given in Appendix 2.
When the power factor
is greater than 1.001 and less than equal to 2.000,
becomes [1].
displays zero.
When the power factor
is greater than 2.001,
display errors [Error].
Precautions when displaying the measurement functions of the motor module in
the harmonic measurement mode
For the meanings of the measurement function symbols used in the explanation
below, see section 15.2 and the following sections or appendix 2.
• The numerical data of Speed, Torque, Sync, Slip, Pm,
mA, and
mB are 0th
order (DC) components. The default setting of the minimum order (Min Order) in
the harmonic measurement mode is 1. To display the numerical data of Speed,
Torque, Sync, Slip, Pm,
mA, and
mB, the minimum order must be set to 0.
• The numerical data of Torque in the normal measurement mode are simple
averaged values. The numerical data of each harmonic component and the total of
Torque in the harmonic measurement mode are RMS values. The numerical data
that correspond to the same value as the normal measurement mode are displayed
at Trq (dc).
• The 0th (DC) component of Speed and Pm are displayed as total numerical data.
• The numerical data of Sync and Slip are displayed only when the PLL source (Pll
Source) and frequency synchronization source (Sync Speed Source) are set to the
same channel.
mA displays the ratio of Pm total with respect to P
A total;
mB displays the ratio
of Pm total with respect to P
B total.
8.4 Displaying Harmonic Measurement Data