2.6 Triggering
The GS200 uses program triggers, which are used to start and pause programs, and
measurement triggers, which are used to start measurements.
Program Triggers (See section 6.4 for the procedure)
This trigger is used to drive programs (see section 2.4). On models with the monitoring
(/MON) option, you can select the normal (Norm) or measurement end (M.End) trigger
source. On models without the monitoring (/MON) option, only the normal (Norm) trigger
source is available.
Normal (Norm)
You can use the following four triggers to execute programs.
• RUN key
Press this key to begin program execution from step 1. The program proceeds one
step each time the program interval time elapses.
• STEP key
Press this key to execute only the current step. When the program interval time
elapses, program execution stops.
• HOLD key
Press this key to pause the program that is running. If you press this key when a
program is paused, program execution begins again from the exact point in the step
that it was previously paused.
• External triggers (External)
The falling edge of a signal applied to TRIG IN of the input terminal for synchronous
operation (SYNC IN, see section 8.2) or TRIG IN of the BNC I/O terminal (see section
8.1) on the rear panel is used as a trigger. This trigger performs the same function as
the STEP key on the front panel.
Measurement End (M.End; only on models with the /MON option)
When the trigger source is set to measurement end, program execution proceeds from
one step to the next as soon as the current step’s measurement completes, regardless of
the program interval time. You can execute programs at their optimal speed, but program
execution always requires the specified integration time (measurement time). However,
you have to set the measurement trigger to source change completion (Ready).
When the program trigger is M.End, the RUN, STEP, and HOLD keys are disabled, and
the program interval time is ignored.
IM GS210-01EN