IM GS210-01EN
12.4 7651-Compatible Mode
You can use the same communication commands with the GS200 that are available for
the YOKOGAWA 7651 Programmable DC Source. This is useful when you replace the
7651 with the GS200 or if you want to use both the GS200 and the 7651 in the same
system and control them using the same commands.
You can only use the 7651-compatible mode with GP-IB communication. You cannot use it with
communication through other communication interfaces.
Setting the GP-IB Command Mode
Follow the procedure in section 12.3 to set the GP-IB command mode to 7651 mode.
Communication Commands That You Can Use in 7651 Mode
See the
7651 User’s Manual
, IM7651-01E.
However, there are the following limitations.
• The following commands are not supported.
• IC memory card initialization (CI)
• Calibration feature commands (YZPm, YZSm, YZW, YZE, and YZO)
• RS-232-C-specific commands (<ESC>R, <ESC>L, <ESC>S, and <ESC>C)
• In the return value of the status output command (OC):
• The CAL switch bit and the normal/calibration mode bit are always 0.
• The IC memory card bit is always 1.
• If parameters are not included for communication commands that require parameters,
a communication error occurs.
The 7651-Mode Status Byte
In 7651 mode, the status byte is also 7651-compatible. For details, see the
7651 User’s
, IM7651-01E.
Using Keys to Issue SRQ Interruptions
If you press the ENTER key when the GP-IB command mode is set to 7651, the status
byte’s SRQ SW bit is set to 1. The GS200 issues an SRQ interruption if it is set to use
the SRQ SW bit as an interruption source. For details, see the
7651 User’s Manual