<PMT> is a program message terminator. The following
three types of program terminators are available.
• NL (New line)
Same as LF (line feed). ASCII code “0AH.”
• ^END
The END message (EOI signal) as defined in
IEEE488.1. (The data byte that is sent with the END
message is the last data of the program message.)
NL with an END message attached. (NL is not
included in the program message.)
Program Message Unit Syntax
The program message unit syntax is shown below.
<Program header>
<Program data>
<Program Header>
The program header indicates the command type. For
details, see page 13-3.
<Program Data>
Attach program data if there are conditions that are
required to execute a command. Separate the program
data from the header with a space (ASCII code 20H). If
there are multiple sets of program data, separate each
set with a comma.
For details, see page 13-5.
Response Messages
Data that is sent from the GS200 to the controller is
called a response message. The response message
syntax is shown below.
<Response message unit>
<Response Message Unit>
A response message consists of one or more
response message units; each response message unit
corresponds to one response.
Separate each response message unit with a
For details on the syntax of response message units,
see the next section.
:SOURce:FUNCtion VOLTage;RANGe 100E-3<RMT>
RMT is a response message terminator. It is NL^END.
Response Message Unit Syntax
The response message unit syntax is shown below.
<Response data>
<Response Header>
A response header sometimes precedes the response
data. Separate the data from the header with a space.
For details, see page 13-5.
<Response Data>
Response data contains the content of the response. If
there are multiple sets of response data, separate each
set with a comma.
If there are multiple queries in a program message,
responses are returned in the same order that the
queries were received in. In most cases, a single query
returns a single response message unit, but there
are a few queries that return multiple units. The first
response message unit always corresponds to the first
query, but the n
response unit may not necessarily
correspond to the n
query. Therefore, if you want to
make sure that every response is retrieved, divide the
program messages into individual messages.
13.1 Program Format
IM GS210-01EN