IM 701450-51E
CAN Bus Signal Analysis Function
• Field or Frame to Be Used as a Search Condition
You can select the CAN Bus signal field pattern or frame type to be used as search
conditions from the five types listed below. You can use the AND condition to select
multiple types at the same time (combination trigger) and search for data that fulfills all
the pattern conditions. However, RTR and Data Field cannot be specified in
• Identifier
Searches for an Identifier (ID) matching the specified pattern.
Searches for a remote frame (RTR is recessive).
• Data Field
Searches for an Data field matching the specified pattern.
Select Y to search for frames returning Acknowledge, and N for frames not
returning Acknowledge.
• Error Frame
Searches for error frames. The DL7440/DL7480 considers 6 successive dominant
bits (logical value of 0) as an error frame. Therefore, even if 6 successive
dominant bits occur in an overload frame, it is searched as an error frame.
When Search Type Is Set to Indefinite State
Searches for indefinite data in the analysis data.
Executing the Search: Next, Prev
Press the Next or Prev soft key to execute the search. The search progresses (pattern
or indefinite data search) as follows depending on the search type.
• For Pattern Searches
Searches frames after (to the right of) the currently selected frame.
Searches frames before (to the left of) the currently selected frame.
• For Indefinite Data Searches
Searches frames after (to the right of) the current zoom position (Z1 Pos).
Searches frames before (to the left of) the current zoom position (Z1 Pos).
Displaying the Search Result
• For Pattern Searches
• When 1 or more of the frame types Identifier, RTR, Data Field, ACK, and Error
are selected.
The zoom position (Z1 Pos) moves to the front of the set field. If you specify
multiple types, the Zoom Position moves to the front of the field that was found last
in the time sequence. However, for the Identifier and Data field, if the pattern is set
to all Xs, it is equivalent to not specifying a pattern. Thus, a search is not
• When All Field/Frame Types (Identifier, RTR, Data Field, ACK, and Error) are
The message “Pattern is not specified.” (error code: 730) appears.
• For Indefinite Data Searches
The zoom position (Z1 Pos) moves to the front of the indefinite data.
2.5 Analyzing/Searching Data