Registered Trademarks
The following registered trademarks are used in this manual.
DeviceNet is a registered trademark of the ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendors Association,
InterBus is a registered trademark of Phoenix Contact Co.
ControlNet is a registered trademark of ControlNet International, Ltd.
is a registered trademark of the Echelon.
Before Reading This Manual
This manual explains both the conventional Varispeed F7-Series Inverters and the F7-series
Inverters with SPEC: E or later.
The shaded sections or those specified as being for SPEC: E or later apply only to F7-series
Inverters with SPEC: E or later (Inverter with design revision order of E or later.)
Be certain to check the specification on the Inverter nameplate.
Example of Inverter Nameplate
Precautions when Using a F7-series Inverter with SPEC: C or Earlier
The design revision number and software version of the F7-series Inverters with SPEC: E or
later have been modified as shown in the table below. The design revision order and software
version can be found on the Inverter nameplate. When using a F7-series Inverter with SPEC: C
or earlier, observe the following precautions.
The factory settings of C6-01 (CT/VT selection) and the constants related to C6-01 of the F7-
series Inverter with SPEC: C or earlier are different from those of the F7-series Inverter with
SPEC: E or later.
Refer to
Application and Overload Selections
Chapter 6 Constant Settings by Function
and set the constants according to your application.
The COPY function of the Digital Operator for the F7-series Inverter with SPEC: C or earlier
is limited because of the software version different from that of the F7-series Inverter with
SPEC: E or later.
Set the related constants, referring to
Application and Overload Selections
Chapter 6 Con-
stant Settings by Function
Design Revision Order
Software Version
Inverter with SPEC: C or earlier
A, B, or C
Inverter with SPEC: E or later
E or later
Design revision order
UL FILE NO: E131457