10.1 Connection to Host Controller
Note 1. Connection cables (model: JEPMC-W2040-
) to connect the multi-winding drive unit to the MP2200/
MP2300 are prepared by Yaskawa. For details, refer to
Machine Controller MP2200/2300 Motion Module User’s
(No.: SIEP C880700 16).
2. Only the signals that are related to the multi-winding drive unit and MP2200/2300-series SVA-01 are given in
this example.
3. Incorrect signal connections may damage the machine controller, multi-winding drive unit, SERVOPACKs, and
4. Open the signal lines not to be used.
5. The above connection diagram shows the connections for only one axis. When using other axes, make connec-
tions to the SERVOPACK in the same way.
6. Short-circuit the normally closed (NC) input terminals that are not used at the I/O connector section of the
machine controller.
7. Make the settings so that the servomotor can be turned ON/OFF by the Servo ON signal (/S-ON).
8. The SERVOPACK incorporates safety functions to protect people from the hazardous operation of the movable
parts of the machines, reduce the risk, and ensure the safety of the machine in operation. Necessary circuits and
settings are required in CN8 to use these functions. If these functions are not used, use the SERVOPACK with the
enclosed safety function jumper connector connected to CN8. For details, refer to
5.11 Safety Function.