PAN/ROUTE screen
Reference section
Additional functions in the Pan 1–8/
Pan MONI page
In the Pan 1–8/Pan MONI page, holding down the
[SHIFT] key will assign the following additional func-
tions to [F1]–[F5].
• [F1] (INDIVIDUAL) key
The PAN knobs of two paired channels will oper-
ate independently. This is the same function as the
INDIVIDUAL button in the MODE area (
• [F2] (GANG) key
The PAN knobs of two paired channels will be
linked to maintain the distance of spread. This is
the same function as the GANG button in the
MODE area (
• [F3] (INVERTED GANG) key
The PAN knobs of two paired channels will be
linked in the opposite direction. This is the same
function as the INVERTED GANG button in the
MODE area (
• [F4] (ALL ROUT OFF) key
All bus assign buttons 1–8 in the currently dis-
played page will be turned off. (The ST button will
not be affected.)
• [F5] (COPY PAN TO ALL) key
Copy the pan setting of the channel selected by
the cursor to all channels, including those in other