0101 – Delay Type: Lo-Fi. Lower quality but longer delay time
0102 – Delay Type: More Lo-Fi. Lowest quality but longest delay time
0103 – Delay Type: Fast. High quality, very short time for flanger effects
02xx – Delay Time
03xx – Delay Input send. Is the input volume for the delay
04xx – Delay feedback. Is the volume/amount of the delay feedback
GLID → Changes the Glide
PROW → Probability for the sequencer row. Keep in mind that the whole audio row of
the track is affected and not only a part of it. The last FX is excluded from the
probability, so it can be used to reset the probability setting from the sequence.
SETW → Set/change the current sample/waveform. An eventually inserted
sample/wave in the sample/wave column will be overruled by this FX command.
RDMN → Random FX. Random next FX value or enable general FX random overrule
within the range selection. This function is the same as the RDMN function for CV/Gate
tracks. Press OK here to enter the
+*-/ → Add/Multiply/Subtract/Divide. Is also the same as the ADD/SUB functions for a
CV/Gate track with the exception that from this FX all 4 calculations can be done.
The first 2 digits define the calculation type and for which FX this should apply:
00XX → 03XX Add and update the amount of XX to the last known FX 1-4 without
04XX → 07XX Add and update the amount of XX to the last known FX 1..4 with
08XX → 0BXX Multiply and update the last known FX 1..4 value with value XX (0.1 →
25.5) without overflow
0CXX → 0FXX Multiply and update the last known FX 1..4 value with value XX (0.1 →
25.5) with overflow
10XX → 13XX Subtract and update the amount of XX from the last known FX 1-4
without overflow
14XX → 17XX Subtract and update the amount of XX from the last known FX 1..4 with
18XX → 1BXX Divide and update the last known FX 1..4 value with value XX (0.1 →
25.5) without overflow
1CXX → 1FXX Divide and update the last known FX 1..4 value with value XX (0.1 →
25.5) with overflow
ASL0..7 → Automator Slot settings. (same as for CV-Gate patterns, check there for
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022