CV16 columns also all CV/MOD outputs can be manipulated in Notes and Pitch. Even the Triggers/
Gates can be manipulated from here as well with a limited set of available Gates/Triggers (Gate
On/Off/Toggle, Trigger 20ms and 40ms).
Besides the destinations of the CV setup, different CV types can be used in all of the 6 columns. If
the tracks are set up to use one of the CV16 outputs, then the following features can be used:
Notes, Pitch, Trigger/Gate, Envelopes ( Attack/Sustain/Release) , LFO ( Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth,
Ramp, Square, Noise, Random, Triggers on the CV16 output (from CV16 firmware V1.2 and
Page 1:
Columns 1..6:
If regular notes are filled in then the assigned outputs will change the voltage to the note value. (if
no modulator is running on that output) Depending of the offset switched the Voltage for Note C-0
is either 0 Volt or -5 Volt. After the highest note C-A (as in, scroll the note-value further than note C-
A) the modulators can be set up. To fit everything into the columns a special definition of the
numbers is used. Starting with the first of 2 digits, the left digit defines the modulator number.
The right digit defines the modulator type. The the following types are available:
0 → Envelope Attack > Release
(column also marked with a ‘^’ )
1 → Envelope Attack > Sustain
(column also marked with a ‘^’ )
2 → Envelope Release
(column also marked with a ‘^’ )
3 → Envelope Loop
(column also marked with a ‘^’ )
4 → LFO Start/Continue
(column also marked with a ‘~’ )
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 55
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022
Figure 11: Pattern Screen (CV16 Track, 1