Pattern Screen
The Pattern screen is the screen where you actually fill in your notes or data to sequence.
Depending on which Track you selected there are different pattern screen functions.
Pattern Screen (CV/Gate Track)
Below you see the Pattern Screen for a CV/Trigger/Mod pattern.
The CV/Trigger/Mod patterns have the following Columns:
Note, Patch, Table, Trigger, Mod, FX1..4 and Groove
Note: To enter music notes ( C-4 for Note C in octave 4; D#5 for Note ‘Dis or d-sharp’ in
octave 5) [ ] is the lowest ‘note’ and it is for note off. In case the Autogate function
(→Setup Screen) is turned on, then the Gate is ON when a note is being played and the
Gate is OFF when a Note off occurs. The Gate will also automatically go to Off and On
again if no note off was set but a new note is playing, this to retrigger a new note. The Off
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022
Figure 2: Pattern Screen (Internal CV/Gate Track)