For each CV output there is an additional setting to decide if the Modulator (Envelope or LFO)
should be pure or added to the current Note/Pitch.
So in case of the setting being
, the following rules are valid for the modulators:
The ASR (Attack Sustain Release) Envelope starts with 0 Volt (-5V) it’s attack phase until it
reaches the Sustain Voltage. If it’s full sustain = 255/FF then this is 10 Volt(5V). If the release
phase is finished the voltage is 0 Volt again.
The LFO midpoint with the pure setting on the CV output is 5 Volt (0V). So the LFO will swing
between 0 and 10 Volt ( -5/+5V) at full amplitude.
If the CV output is set to ADD then the Modulator voltage is being added to the current pitch or
note value. The Modulators will act as bipolar modulators. In this case the following rules apply,
assuming for example the Note C-2 → 2 Volt (-3V):
Starting the Attack phase from 0 Volt (-5V), because it is lower than the lowest possible voltage. To
the sustain phase (if sustain is set to full) to 7 Volt (2V) and back to zero after the release to the
lowest value. Note C-5 would output the full range of the envelope and higher values would place
the offset to a higher value.
The LFO swings bipolar around the note/pitch value. Depending on the amplitude setting the
bipolar LFO swing has values from plus/minus 5 Volt to millivolts around the current pitch value.
Once a modulator is started it will stay active until it is being stopped by the sequence or the user.
In case of the CV outputs which are set to
, any note values have no effect.
A modulator can be stopped with the appropriate command in the pattern screen for the CV output
or in the pattern Nerd Menu → Stop all sound. If modulators are stopped, the original Note/pitch
value/voltage will return to the CV output.
Besides the sequencing, the CV expander can also be a destination for live recording or playing
through the CV inputs or Midi. For now from the CV input, 1 CV note can be recorded together with
an Envelope (With the settings of Envelope #8). In case of a Gate-On at the CV inputs, an
Envelope with the Attack→Sustain phase is entered the CV16 columns together with the Note. On
a Gate Off, the Release Phase is entered.
If the recorded input is a Midi signal, then flexible settings can be set to achieve polyphonic
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022