- Note Offset → Main transpose/offset for Midi notes. This is used to match with all midi
devices. The Offset is added to the main transposes and can be either positive or negative
-Record Columns → Select the amount of Midi voices that can be recorded in a Midi Track.
The first 4 settings (1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4) select how many columns are used for midi
recording (which defines also the recording polyphony.
The latter settings (2, 3, 4) define that the recording should be monophonic into the
selected column.
So if the setting is for example set to 1+2, only the first 2 columns are available for Midi
recording and the other 2 columns stay untouched.
- Clone to Modular → If enabled, the midi notes and note off from the first note column is
also being sent/cloned to the local CV and gate output of the track. Midi on sets the Gate
and the CV value to the note and Note off (also with kill) resets the gate again. The Velocity
value will be output onto the MOD output of the track.
- Program Change → If set to Always then all program change events are sent. If set to ‘On
Change’ then it is only sent if the program number changes. Some midi devices need quite
some time until the program/patch is completely recalled and might timeout for a while. The
setting is to minimize any possible problems/glitches.
- Automation Limit → Limits the amount of data that is generated by the Automator and sent
to the Midi destinations Pitch bend, CC and NRPN. The settings are 100%, 50%, 25%, 10%
and 5%. Keep the settings as low as acceptable to minimize Midi data overflows.
- Control Preset 1..8 → Sets the Controller (CC) number for the first 8 CC FX values or
selects this Control Preset to be used for additional Program Change messages. These can
be used for either different midi channel support for CC’s but also for the Automators as
- NRPN 1..4 → Sets the NRPN-Controller (CC) number for the 4 NRPN FX values. These
can then be accessed from the FX columns and also from the Automators as destination.
Track Setup (Trigger 16 Track)
A ‘More Triggers 16’ expander is needed to enter this screen.
- Track Clock → See track setup of the
→ Track Setup (CV/Gate Track).
- Transpose → Allow or avoid the transposing of the track. This is for the global and the
track transpose.
- Loc.Trigger Delay → See track setup of the CV/Gate track.
- Random FX1..3 → Enables randomized values for the selected FX. If turned on and a
range selected, all FX values in the selected FX will play with random values within the
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 94
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022