190kB Sample memory (4 seconds with 44.1 kHz/8 Bit/Mono or more with lower
Audio support for samples, waveforms, synthesis
Sample support for RAW 8 bit mono and WAV 8/16 bit, Mono/Stereo
Projects as many as the SD card can hold
With expanders drum-matrix with euclidean editing, envelopes, LFO’s...
Firmware Features
8 Tracker tracks can be controlled independently, synchronised and not synchronised
CV outputs can generate 1V/Oct, 1.2V/Oct and Volt/Hz octave ranges
‘Endless’ Pattern chaining
Euclidean input for Rhythm composing
Probability (0..100% with 1% resolution) for a sequencer row or for dedicated functions: CV,
Mod, Trigger/Gate, Tables, Samples and FX (which can contain every feature)
Patterns with Note Scaled input, Patch selection, Trigger/Gate w retrigger, delayed triggers
etc, CV Modulation manipulation, Groove, Fine pitch, Glide, Glide quantisation, Table
Multiple direct FX possibilities per pattern per step
Groove per step per pattern to create different step lengths, shuffle and weird rhythmic with
the possibility to create poly-rhythmic tracks
Patches with all wanted functions directly accessible
Tables (sequencer in the sequencer) for Transpose, scaling and all possible functions,
different speed/note scales and sources, synchronised and not synchronised to the main
sequencer clock, randomisation functions
Automation slots to assign different automations (like LFO, Envelopes, Noise,
Randomness..etc) freely connect to internal and external parameters via a modulation
8 ADSR Envelopes with rich setup, source and destination functionality
Project management
Sample management
Clock Source can be Internal, 1/16 via Clock input, 24ppqn, Midi Clock, DinSync
Clock Outputs can be 1/16, DIN-Sync , Midi Clock
Track dividers / multipliers (/32,/16,/8, /7,/6,/5,/4,/3,/2, *2,*3,*4,*5,*6,*7,*8)
All Modular tracks can be manipulated from other Modular tracks
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022