PRCV → Probability percentage for the Note column. Sets the percentage of the
probability mode for the music notes. The Probability mode can skip notes, based
on the probability percentage. (0% .. 100%). The chance of probability is based on
each step. For example with 75%, there is a 75% chance that this step is executed
or not, doesn’t matter if there is something filled into this step. A probability value of
0 will play this type never. A value of 64 ( 100% ) will play it always.
The probability also affects the automatic gate setting for the notes. So if the recent
note is skipped then the gate is also not being set automatically. You can override
this by using the Trigger values instead. For a combined CV+Trigger probability you
might want to use the PROW commands which will then include both functions.
PRTR → Probability percentage for the Trigger column. This affects any value from
the trigger column but no general gating issued by the note gating. The functionality
is the same as described for the Note probability.
PRMD → Probability percentage for the MOD output. The same probability
functionality as described before but then for the values in the MOD column.
PRTB → Probability percentage for the Table column. The same probability
functionality as described before but then for the values in the Table column.
PRF1 → Probability percentage for the FX1 effect column. Here every kind of effect
parameter from the FX1 column can be involved in the probability.
PRF2 → Probability percentage for the FX2 effect column. Here every kind of effect
parameter from the FX2 column can be involved in the probability.
PRF3 → Probability percentage for the FX3 effect column. Here every kind of effect
parameter from the FX3 column can be involved in the probability.
PRF4 → Probability percentage for the FX4 effect column. Here every kind of effect
parameter from the FX4 column can be involved in the probability.
ASL0..ASL7 → Automator settings for Automator slots 0 ..7. (→
Here you can change manipulate all Automator settings for each slot. Depending on
which type of Automator you assigned to a slot you can change the value. The 3
Value digits have special functions as following:
X00, The first digit (X) is the function of the Automator, so if you for example
assigned a LFO to this Automator, the first digit is being used to decide which LFO
setting should be changed. ( eg: Start,Stop, Reset, Speed, Offset, Invert, Amplitude
etc..). The 2
2 digits 0XX is for the value (scaled to 255 values).
This is partly a knob setting, depending on the function.
ENV1..8 → Envelope settings and actions for the local envelopes 1..8.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022