Offset →
Defines the start and the end level of the envelope. The Attack phase starts from this
level and will either rise or fall to the Attack peak level. The Release phase ends on the offset level
(also either by rising or falling, depending on the sustain level). Use the Offset to create more
complex envelope curves, but be aware that an envelope will end on the offset level and it will stay
there. Possibly a VCA may ‘stay open’ depending on the offset level and any waveforms can still
be audible after the release phase if the offset is not set to zero.
Type →
Defines way the envelope runs.
One Shot:
Here the envelope only needs to be triggered/gated once and it will run the
ADSR phases in one go: Attack → Decay → Sustain Level → Release. There is no pause
at the sustain level and the release is being started directly after the decay phase reached
the sustain level.
This will start the envelope with a Gate (or virtual gate generated internally →
sources) signal and it stays in the sustain phase (after decay reached the sustain level)
until the gate is released again. Keep also in mind here, if the gate was set, the release
phase will be started immediately when the gate is reset. So if any phase was not finished,
it will directly continue to release.
The envelope will keep looping (one flow as in the one shot way) the envelope as
long as the gate is set.
Defines the source from which the envelope can be triggered / gated.
Gate 1..6
will derive the trigger/gate from the tracks 1..6. ( for example, when playing a note
on the track, a gate is (also) being set for the envelope, a note off will release the envelope
if in AD-SR mode.
T7 Audio1,2 and T8 Audio 3,4:
The start of a waveform or sample on track 7 or 8 (audio
part 1,2,3,4) will ‘gate’ the envelope. If the sample is finished the gate is released.
A special reset gate command (***) in the note column of an audio track can release the
gate before the sample/waveform is finished, which will start the release phase of the
envelope while the sample continues to play.
A special note off command ( [ ] ) in the note column of an audio track can stop playback of
the sample/waveform before it is finished and simultaneously start the release phase of the
envelope if in AD-SR mode.
CV IN 1,2,3,4:
The CV inputs can be used to set/reset the gate for the envelope.
ENV1..8 Start:
The start of the selected envelope will also start this envelope. This can be
used to have multiple envelopes start at the same time.
ENV1..8 End:
When the selected envelope is finished, it will start this envelope. With that
chained envelopes can be created.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 81
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022