5 → LFO / Envelope Reset
(column also marked with a ‘<’ )
6 → Stop Modulators
(column also marked with a ‘-’ )
Here are some examples of the values:
Filled in the first column which is assigned to CV2:
^10 → Envelope 1 start as Attack/Release on output CV2
^11 → Envelope 1 start as Attack/Sustain on output CV2
^12 → Envelope 1 starting release phase on output CV2
^13 → Envelope 1 set to loop (repeating attack/release) on output CV2
~14 → Start/continue LFO1 on output CV2
~34 → Start/continue LFO3 on output CV2
<55 → Reset LFO5 on output CV2
So for example Envelope 2 is a different modulator than LFO2. The numbers decide just which
function you want to start on which column/CV output.
The same LFO or Envelope can run on multiple CV outputs also on different stages.
Another example for another column which is assigned to CV12:
~24 → Start continue LFO2 on output CV12.
-16 → Stop modulator on output CV12. In fact the modulator number is not relevant here, The
column / CV output is being released from the running modulator and returns to it’s original
Envelope stages continue from the current ‘voltage’, so if a release phase was not finished and an
envelope is started again it will continue with the attack phase from the current release level. Use
the reset command to completely reset and restart an envelope.
With CV16 Firmware V1.2 or higher the CV16 outputs can also generate simple triggers. For this
the one shot LFO-Curve TRIG is implemented. This will generate a Trigger with a dedicated
amplitude and length (speed setting) on the CV16 output. A speed setting of 00 will reset the
Trigger/Gate and a speed setting of FF will set the Gate to the specified amplitude.
Furthermore, above the modulator numbers a set of Triggers/Gates can bet set.
So if you scroll beyond the modulators the following options are available:
The first set is for the trigger/gate output of the current track
TT0 → Gate Off for the local Trigger/Gate output of the track.
TT1 → Gate On for the local Trigger/Gate output of the track.
TTT → Toggle Gate for the local Trigger/Gate output of the track.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022