(or expander reset) if a HDMI cable/screen is connected and will automatically use the HDMI mode
then. If no HDMI screen is connected then it will fall back to composite mode (if HDMI force is
turned off, see further in the video configurations). Note that it is not possible to use HDMI and
Composite at the same time. The HDMI connector is also not meant to be connected hot-plugged,
so if possible please disconnect/connect only when the expander/NerdSEQ is powered off.
We take no responsibility to any damage to your screen or keyboard when using the Video
Expander. Please use and handle it with the common sense!
In its’ basic use the expander can be used to clone the NerdSEQ screen onto a big screen. To
enable the Video Expander you got to run at least the NerdSEQ firmware V1.25. In the Setup
Screen you can choose the Video expander to be disabled, enabled with USB function only and as
the clone function. Once enabled the screen will be cloned onto the HDMI or Composite output.
Beside the screen clone they are also video synthesizer/sequencing functions planned for future
releases (not guaranteed!!!). They are some functions already implemented but they are highly
experimental, not finished and declared unstable. For these I can’t give any guarantee if they ever
will be finished or updated. If you want to play with them, you can set a track to be visual-beta.
These tracks got a special (unfinished) Pattern screen and you can insert several video functions.
Here is only a brief description of the available functions:
→ Clone / Sequence. Sequence is here the only current mode to make ‘animations’.
→ Change the color of text or the ‘pens’.
Set X/Y
→ Set position to X/Y for text, shapes or pens
→ Draw line x/y
→ draw circle with radius (Filled and not filled) to X/Y
→ Draw rectangle …
→ (filled rectangle)
→ Fill screen with color
→ Set font (with backgroundcolor or transparent)
→ Draw text ( 4 letters max now, since they are 2 command columns you can for now draw 8
letters per step per track)
→ Add or Sub color from surface. (could be used to generate a fade to color/fade out effect)
And some others which are not implemented.
You can also use the automators because they have also video destinations on a video track:
Pen X. Pen Y, Circle X, Circle Y, Color Red/Green/Blue, Bar X, Bar Y. This can create nice
animations based on for expample LFO’s.
They are no FX or any other functions available with Video-Patterns. Editing might also be a little
bit strange (like mark+copy functions etc)
Again, I don’t give any guarantee that these functions will work as expected with this version or if
they might work different or be changed for future versions.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 122
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022