MOD → changes the Modulation output of the track to a value 000 - FFF (range from 0 - 10
Volt or -5/+5 Volt). Furthermore, the MOD output can also Generate Note-scaled values.
Behind FFF the note scaling begins from C-0 to A#9.
After that the random functions begin with R 0 to R F which generates a random pitch
within the selected range. After that they are the random note functions from RN0 to RNF
which also selects random notes within the selected range.
You can ‘pre-listen’ a Mod note value by pressing
. This will change the MOD value
directly to the note or value. If also a note in the note column is filled in, this will also be
changed and a trigger is generated. With this a kind of ‘duophonic’ pre-listen is possible.
When using the cursor keys Up/Down additionally a sequence can be pre-listened by
scrolling through it.
Note: If one of the random functions is selected, then the
button will bring you to the
Using the
button combination the values can quickly be toggled between 000,
800, C-0, C-4, C-8, R 0, RN0 and ---.
FX → the FX column allows to add or change several effects/functions for the track, the
sequencer or the modulators. You would use the FX columns for example to enable a glide
setting to your CV output or to change the probability setting.
Beside several effects also most of the general track functions for CV/Triggering etc can be
started/manipulated within the FX as well. Some FX Effects/Functions act like a knob while
others execute a function one time or change settings. If you for example choose one which
acts like a knob (like glide or probabilities) then it’s setting the knob position when played
from the sequencer and the knob position stays until it’s being set to another position again.
Keep in mind that if you delete any FX function on any position in the patterns, its
value/knob is not going to be reset to its initial/zero position. You would need to do that
either in a sequence, in the Current Values screen, in the Automator Screen or wherever
the function is located. The advantage here is that a function can stay as long as you want
without using space for each step in the FX column. Also functions that last longer than
patterns play are easily possible with this. Other FX functions like for example TRIG just
produce a trigger one time.
Functions which act like knobs are marked in the descriptions below.
You can select a FX type using
or through the FX Selector
menu. To open the FX Selector you press the
button on the FX command column. A
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022