Special notes for the USB Keyboard use:
- Most USB Keyboards including Bluetooth ones are compatible. However, since this is an
embedded system I can’t guarantee that all Keyboards will work well. If one doesn’t work it might
worth a try to use an additional USB Hub (unpowered/powered) in between.
- Many simple USB Keyboards don’t allow multiple keys pressed at the same time. This might
affect you if you want to play chords with multiple notes. Please note that this is an issue with the
keyboard then. This is also a known issue with many gamers who use USB keyboards. But they
are special Gamer USB Keyboards available which solve that issue, if needed.
A new screen has been added with the Video expander to allow some Video
To get there you enter the setup screen and select ‘Video Expander’. If the setting is set to ‘USB’ or
‘Clone’ then you can enter the Video Setup Screen by pressing
The following settings are available:
Scaling Setting → This sets the kind of scaling / aliasing / interpolation of the video pixels. Use this
to get a better/sharper screen when using with composite. The following settings are possible:
Nearest (which is the default for HDMI), Sinc, Blackman, No Side Lobes, Half 1
Side Lobe,
Hamming, Hamming 3PI, Hamming 5PI.
Overscan Left/Right/Up/Down → Adds or removes the amount of pixels to/from the
left/right/up/down while stretching/shrinking the real screen content. If your screen output is partly
out of the screen or maybe in a wrong horizontal/vertical ratio or position then you can use this to
apply the needed correction to get the screen as it should look like. (Like many HDMI screens got
a 16:9 ratio and the NerdSEQ screen will be horizontally stretched then to fill the whole screen
which might look a bit ugly with wide strechted letters. You might want to add Left and Right
overscan then to adjust that then.)
Force HDMI → HDMI is always enabled regardless of if a screen is connected or not. Be aware
that if no screen is connected, then a different resolution might be automatically selected and used.
HDMI Safe Mode → If turned off, then the upper settings will affect the screen behaviour. If turned
on, then HDMI standard settings are applied.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022