One expander can also be assigned to multiple tracks.
If you are ready with the assignment then you choose SET and the tracks will be assigned.
Be aware that if there were already any patterns on a track on the sequencer screen and the new
assignment is of a different track type, then the patterns will be removed from that track and from
the Automator destinations. Also undo data and the clipboard is emptied. The patterns are not
deleted, so you could still use them on another compatible track. A sequencer compact will delete
these if they are unused patterns.
So if you want to keep the patterns or some content, you might need to copy them first in order to
preserve your data.
If a track is or was assigned already then you can also enter the track setup screen of the track
here by using the
Track Setup Screen
Here you can change track and track type specific settings. Some settings are common to all
tracks and some are specific so here is an explanation of the different types.
You can enter the track setup screen in the following ways:
- via the
- via
(press the
button on one of the tracks)
- by pressing the
button while in the
from the
or in most parts of the pattern screen gets you to the Track Setup
Track Setup (CV/Gate Track)
- Track Clock → Change clock dividers or multipliers of the track. If the player is playing
then the change applies at the end of the pattern. If it is not playing, the change is applied
directly. Change using
- Transpose → Allow or avoid the transposing of the track. This is for the global- and the
track transpose.
- Trigger Delay → Delays the Trigger on the local Trigger output with a fixed time(compared
to the CV change of the track). Depending on the setting
Setup Screen→Trigger Delay
this applies only to the trigger column or to all generated triggers.
This is useful for modules which don’t sample the CV voltage correctly after the raising
edge of the trigger. A value of 0 means that the triggers have no delay.
After the highest delaytime (of 16.9ms), 16 random ranges can be chosen as a variable
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 90
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022