Configuring Fax Defaults and Settings
This section includes:
Configuring the Printer for Faxing ........................................................................................................................... 102
Setting Fax Defaults from CentreWare Internet Services .............................................................................. 103
Configuring Fax Settings from CentreWare Internet Services ..................................................................... 103
Setting Fax Defaults from the Control Panel ...................................................................................................... 106
Configuring Fax Settings from the Control Panel .............................................................................................. 107
It is unlawful to send a message from a fax machine without the proper Fax Send Header information.
The following information must appear on the first transmitted page, or in the top or bottom margin of
each transmitted page:
Identity of the business or individual sending the fax
Telephone number of the sending machine
Date and time of the transmission
Proper configuration of the fax requires setting up the Fax Defaults and Configuring the Fax Settings.
You can configure the defaults and settings from the printer control panel or from CentreWare Internet
Configuring the Printer for Faxing
Before you use the fax, you must configure the Fax Settings to make it compatible with your local
connection and regulations. The Fax Settings include optional features you can use to configure the
printer for faxing.
3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide