2-8, 3-28i, 3-36t, C-1t, C-2t, GLOSSARY-2
Case, Set, 3-6t, 3-16, C-3t
CAUTION, iii, xix
certification, approvals, viii
Change Configuration Description, 7-21 to 7-23
changing configuration description, 7-24
Channel Select (VCS), Vertical, 2-5t, 2-7t, 2-19, 2-20
to 2-21, 3-36t, C-2t
character, GLOSSARY-2
assignment EBCDIC-SNA mode, APL, A-24t
attribute, see CA
buffer, D-1f
size, D-3t
escape, FSL, 3-3 to 3-4
Set Global Identifier, Graphic, see GCSGID
sets, 1-2t, 4-7, GLOSSARY-2
Printout, 3-5t, 3-11, C-3t
reply, supported, G-4t
COR, 3-19, 3-66
PS, 3-24
Characters Per
Inch, see CPI
Line, see CPL
checking the interface configuration, 1-7 to 1-8i
choices, pitch, 3-46t
Clist code listing, 7-23 to 7-25
connector, 1-6f
emulations, 1-2t
printers line configurations, 6-1 to 6-3f
codabar (X5), 3-43, 3-44
description, error, 5-1t
037—U.S. English, A-10t
273—Austrian German, A-11t
274—Belgian, A-12t
275—Brazilian, A-13t
276—French Canadian, A-14t
277—Danish/Norwegian, A-15t
278—Finnish/Swedish, A-16t
280—Italian, A-17t
281—Japanese (Latin characters), A-18t
282—Portuguese, A-19t
284—Spanish/Spanish speaking, A-20t
285—U.K. English, A-21t
297—French, A-22t
500—Multinational, A-23t
500 to OCR A, A-7
500 to OCR B, A-8
Page Global Identifier, see CPGID
SCS, 3-36t
set tables and font, A-1 to A-28t
colon, 3-4, 3-8i, 3-54, 3-56
color, 2-12, 3-50, G-5t
comma, 3-4, 3-8i
comparison, SCS, 2-6t to 2-7t
data stream, 2-1 to 2-21
DSC, 2-1, 2-2t
descriptions, 2-3 to 2-4
SCS, 2-1, 2-5, 2-6t to 2-7t
structure, 2-5
table, 2-5, 2-6t to 2-7t
descriptions, 2-3 to 2-4, 2-7 to 2-21, 3-8 to 3-65
ESC-ESC—Multiple Paired Hex Transparent, 3-5t,
3-9, 3-37, C-3t
ESC—Single Paired Hex Transparent, 3-5t, 3-9,
3-17, C-3t
FSL, 3-5t to 3-65
Logical Unit (LU), 6-3
SCS table, 2-5, 2-6t to 2-7t
summary, 2-2, 2-5, C-1 to C-6t
and comparison, 2-2t
T1—Offline Hex Dump (PCIA Dump), 3-5t, 3-10,
T2—Online Hex Dump, 3-5t, 3-10, 3-64, C-3t
T3—Online ASCII Hex Dump, 3-5t, 3-10, C-3t
T4—Printout Settings, 1-3, 3-5t, 3-10, 3-64, C-3t
T5—Printout Character Set, 3-5t, 3-11, C-3t
T6—Cancel Online ASCII Hex Dump, 3-5t, 3-11,
W—Print Bar Code, 3-5, 3-5t, 3-8, 3-11, 3-43, 3-44,
X0—Set Printer in Hold Mode, 3-5t, 3-11, C-3t
X1—Store Settings in Permanent Storage, 3-5t, 3-11
3-64, C-3t
X2—Restore Settings from Permanent Storage, 3-5t
3-12, C-3t
X3—Restore Factory Default Settings, 3-5t, 3-12,
X4—Restore Settings from Permanent Storage, 3-6t,
3-12, C-3t
Y1—Set IBM Buffer Size, 3-6t, 3-12 to 3-13, C-3t,
D-3t, G-1
Y2—Set Default LPI, 3-6t, 3-13, 3-14, C-3t
Y3—Set Default CPI, 2-17, 3-6t, 3-14, 3-45 to 3-46,
Y4—Set Default Line Spacing (single double), 3-6t,
3-14 to 3-15t, C-3t
Y5—Set Default Maximum Page Length (MPL), 3-6t
3-15, 3-35, C-3t
Y6—Set Default Maximum Print Position (MPP),
3-6t, 3-16, C-3t
Y7—Set Case (mono, dual), 3-6t, 3-16, C-3t
Y8—Set LU1 Language, 3-6t, 3-17 to 3-18, C-3t
Y9—Set Default Print Quality, 2-11, 3-6t, 3-18, C-3t
Y10—Set Page Format, 3-6t, 3-19 to 3-20, 3-57,
3-65, 3-69, C-4t
Y11—Set Default Paper Path, 3-6t, 3-20 to 3-21,
3 3-65, C-4t
Y12—Set Default Paper Size, 3-6t, 3-22 to 3-23,