Specialized Concentrated Focused
Machining Operations
2 . P a rk S ite
1 . P ark M o d e
Fig. 4-9 Park MCS site interface
―Park Mode‖, and then press [OK] to enter the interface as shown below.
T o p a rk site
[O K ] S elect
T o W C S O rig in
N o t m o v e
Fig. 4-10 Park mode selection
Press the
―Up‖ or ―Down‖ key to select the desired item, and then press the [OK] key to accomplish the
selection and return to the previous page. If
―To park site‖ is selected and confirmed, input or select the
park site under
―2. Park Site‖.
After selecting
―Select Site‖, press the [OK] key, and then press [OK] again to set current position as the
park position. The system will then back to the main page automatically. At this time, you can press the
―Start‖ key to start machining directly.
Current position cannot be set under “Selecting Site”; you need to set the current position of the spindle in
Spindle Stop
Press the
―Menu‖ key
4. Oper Param
10. SpindleStop, and then press the [OK] key to enter the
setting interface of
―Spindle Stop‖, in which press the ―Up‖ or ―Down‖ key to select the corresponding
parameter for modification. See Fig. 4-11 for the three modes of spindle stop.
2 . S O ff a t S to p
1 . S O ff at P au se
Y es
3 . S O ff a t E n d
Fig. 4-11 Spindle stop setting interface