Specialized Concentrated Focused
System Page
2 . U S B F i l e s
3 . O p e r a t i o n s
4 . O p e r P a r a m
1 . L o c a l F i l e s
Fig. 3-5 Menu page
Press [Up] and [Down] keys to select the desired item and then press [OK] to enter the corresponding
Local Files/USB Files
Local file list page or USB file list page is as shown in Fig. 3-6, in which load, delete or copy can be
executed. Only one file can be loaded to the system at a time. If several files are selected at the same
time, a prompt dialog will appear in loading.
U: ①Ld②De③Copy
U: indicates current files are in
USB flash disk
C: indicates current files are in
the Local disk
indicates this file is
currently being selected
Press shortcut keys 1, 2, and 3 to load, delete or copy a file accordingly.
1: after load completed, the system will return to the main page
2 and 3: after pressed, press [OK] for confirmation. After delete or copy
completed, the system will still remain in the current page.
Fig. 3-6 File list page
is pressed to execute “
Copy”, a dialog box will pop up asking for confirmation; press [OK] to
start copying; if the file is large, the system page will display “Copy Progress
”; wait patiently and do not press
any key on the operation panel until copy completed.
The sub-menus under [Operations] are as shown in Fig. 3-7.