FCC ID: K6620285X20
IC ID: 511B-20285X20
VX-3R Operating Manual
DTMF Operation
Despite the lack of a DTMF keypad, you can still transmit DTMF tones with the VX-3R for repeater control
or autopatch use.
Manual DTMF Tone Generation
1. Press and hold the [TXPO] key for one second to enter the Set mode.
2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 26: DT A/M.
Note: Do not forget to pull the DIAL knob to rotate the DIAL knob.
3. Press the [TXPO] key to enable adjustment of this Set Mode Item.
4. Rotate the DIAL knob to select “MANUAL.”
5. Press the PTT switch to return to normal display.
6. Hold the PTT switch in to continue transmitting during the following steps.
A. Press the [TXPO] key momentarily.
B. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the number to be sent, then press the [TXPO] key momentarily to
send the number.
C. Repeat step B as many times as needed until you have completed the number string.
D. Release the PTT switch.
R.F Says: The DTMF “*” code is displayed as “E,” and the DTMF code “#” is displayed as “F” on the display.
DTMF Autodialer
Nine DTMF Autodial memories are provided, allowing you to store telephone numbers for autopatch use.
You can also store short autopatch or Internet-link access code streams so as to avoid having to send them
Here is the DTMF Autodial storage procedure:
1. Press and hold in the [TXPO] key for one second to enter the Set mode.
2. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 28: DT SEL.
Note: Do not forget to pull the DIAL knob to rotate the DIAL knob.
3. Press the [TXPO] key to enable adjustment of this Set Mode Item.
Rotate the DIAL knob to select the DTMF Memory register (“CH0” - “CH9”) into which you wish to store
this DTMF string.
5. Press the [V/M] key to begin DTMF Memory entry into the selected register. The first digit location will
6. Press and hold the [HM/RV] key for 2 seconds to
any previous stored telephone number.
7. Rotate the DIAL knob to select the first digit of the DTMF string. Selectable entries are 1 - 9, and A - F,
with E and F representing DTMF “*” and “#” tones respectively.
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.