FCC ID: K6620285X20
IC ID: 511B-20285X20
VX-3R Operating Manual
a call from the radio sending a matched your programmed matching tone (determine from Set Menu
Item: 63: PR FRQ) is received. The “SQ” icon will appear on the display when the User programmed
Reverse CTCSS Decoder is activated.
4) You may notice “PAGER” and “MESSAGE” indication on the display while you rotate the DIAL knob
in this step, these means that activating the “User programmed Reverse CTCSS Decoder”, “Enhanced
Paging & Code Squelch”, and the “Message Feature”. We’ll discuss later these functions.
4. When you have made your selection of the CTCSS tone mode, press the PTT switch to save the new
5. Press and hold in the [TXPO] key for one second to enter the Set mode.
6. Rotate the DIAL knob to select Set Mode Item 86: TN FRQ.
Note: Do not forget to pull the DIAL knob to rotate the DIAL knob.
7. Press the [TXPO] key momentarily to enable adjustment of the CTCSS frequency.
8. Rotate the DIAL knob until the display indicates the Tone Frequency you need to be using (ask the
repeater owner/operator if you don’t know the tone frequency).
When you have made your selection, press the [TXPO] key momentarily, then press the PTT switch, to
save the new settings and exit to normal operation. This is different than the usual method of restoring
normal operation, and it applies only to the configuration of the CTCSS/DCS frequencies.
R.F. Says: 1) Your repeater may or may not re-transmit a CTCSS tone - some systems just use CTCSS to
control access to the repeater, but don’t pass it along when transmitting. If the S-Meter deflects, but the
VX-3R is not passing audio, repeat steps “1” through “4” above, but rotate the DIAL so that “TSQ”
disappears - this will allow you to hear all traffic on the channel being received.
2) During CTCSS operation, you may set up the VX-3R such that a ringing “bell” sound alerts you to the fact
that a call is coming in. See page ?? for details.
DCS Operation
Another form of tone access control is Digital Code Squelch, or DCS. It is a newer, more advanced tone
system which generally provides more immunity from false paging than does CTCSS. The DCS
Encoder/Decoder is built into your VX-3R, and operation is very similar to that just described for CTCSS.
Your repeater system may be configured for DCS; if not, DCS is frequently quite useful in Simplex operation
if your friend(s) use transceivers equipped with this advanced feature.
R.F. Says: Just as in CTCSS operation, DCS requires that you set the Tone Mode to DCS and that you
select a tone code.
1. Press the [F/W] key, then press the [MODE] key. This provides a “Short-cut” to Set Mode Item 79: SQ
2. Press the [TXPO] key momentarily to enable adjustment of this Item.
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.