The second type of automation control simply involves running a series or
sequence of methods without control of an addressable device such as an
AutoSampler. This is referred to as non-addressable automation. An
example of
non-addressable automation
would be to run a series of analyses
where sampling is accomplished using a gas sampling valve controlled from
one of the 3800 valve drivers. Non-addressable automation will be covered
first as this is the simplest type of automation.
Non-Addressable Automation
Non-addressable automation refers to running more than one unattended
analysis on the 3800. The simplest example of non-addressable automation
is where the same 3800 method is run a number of times. This is called
Single Method Automation. A typical application of Single Method Non-
Addressable Automation is a series of analyses using a gas sampling valve.
In this instance a sample stream is purged through a gas sampling valve
installed on the 3800. The gas sampling valve is controlled using one of the
seven available valve drivers on the 3800. The two gas sampling valve
states are identified as
refers to the state when the sample is purging through the sample loop of
the gas sampling valve.
refers to the valve switch which loads the
sample into the analytical system and starts the run.
By building a Single Method automation method the user can program the
3800 to carry out up to 999 analyses. In addition, the user can select Method
Sequence automation where methods can be switched during automation.
For example, the user could run an analysis using method 1 followed by an
analysis using method 3.
Addressable Automation
Addressable automation refers to a series of analyses where an ancillary
device, such as an AutoSampler, is controlled from the 3800. The 8400 GC
AutoSampler is the most common device used with addressable automation.
In this instance the Single Method or Method Sequence automation is run in
conjunction with control of an 8400 AutoSampler. Each analysis consists of a
sample injection using the specific conditions programmed in the 8400
section of the 3800 method.
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