CP-3800 GC Operator’s Manual
Electron Capture Detector
The Electron Capture Detector contains a beta-emitting
radioactive isotope,
Ni. Users of this detector are
required by regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) to read the radiation safety
procedures described in the Radiation Safety Manual
The ECD is installed on the detector oven, directly above the column oven.
The ECD PC Board is installed in the electronics cabinet. The electronics of
the ECD are controlled through the 3800 keyboard, whereas gas flows are
set and controlled at the pneumatics panel and in the Adjustments section of
the Method if Detector EFC is installed.
An ECD equipped with a captive detector cell is included in the ECD Kit.
Varian is authorized to distribute this kit to General Licensees, as defined in
the Radiation Safety Manual.
Due to the NRC regulations on the testing, packaging, and labeling of
radioactive materials, additional or replacement ECD detector cells are
available only as kits.
Initial Set-Up
Connect gas lines to the appropriate bulkhead fittings on the GC.
Check the gas supply pressures. The GC is set for: N
, He, or Ar/CH
at 80
psig. Reset the gas flows if you intend to use different supply pressures.
(Refer to the 3800 Pre-Installation Instructions for additional information on
gas supply requirements.) If your ECD is equipped with detector EFC, enter
Setup, select the EFC section for your ECD, and select the gas type you will
be using as makeup. When you have completed all changes to Setup, press
the Save and Exit softkey to store your changes and restart the GC.
Page one includes initial parameters for the detector oven temperature,
turning on the detector oven power and electronics, and selecting the range.
Page two establishes time programs to either change the range or Autozero
the detector at specific times.
The third and fourth pages (located by pressing the adjustments softkey)
include detector-specific parameters not routinely adjusted. For the ECD,
these pages allow you to select between a fast or slow detector time
constant, Cell Current and Contact Potential which are described later in this
section. Page 2 of adjustments allows setting detector gas flows if detector
EFC is installed. The normal setting for the time constant is fast.
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