X5 AC Drive User’s Manual
Chapter 7: X5 Parameters
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410 DB Config
Default: DB Internal
Range: n/a
Level 2
Determines whether an external or internal dynamic brake is utilized or disabled. The drive provides an internal dynamic
brake (DB) to assist in stopping. If desired, an external resistor can be connected to DB and B+ for additional capacity.
The following data values may be assigned to this parameter:
Parameter Value
DB Internal
Internal dynamic braking active
DB External
External dynamic braking active
There is
no drive protection
for an overheating
DB resistor!
No Dyn Brk
Dynamic braking circuit disabled
When DB Config is configured to “Int-ARCTIC,” dynamic braking becomes active if the internal control
board temperature drops below -7 degrees C. When the DB becomes active, an “ARCTIC Mode” warning
flashes on the keypad. If the board temperature drops below -10 degrees C, the drive will be disabled and
not allowed to run. The keypad will indicate a “Not enabled” state at this point. If the board temperature
heats up after being below -10 degrees C, the drive must meet these criteria before operating again:
a) Board temperature must be above -9 degrees C, and
b) Board temperature must stay above -9 degrees C until a time period has elapsed. The time period is
dependent on how far below -10 degrees C the board was. Each degree below -10 degrees C adds
another 4 minutes before restart.
414 S Ramp Rounding
Default: 25%
Range: 1-100%
Level 2
This parameter defines the amount of rounding or S-curve to the Accel and Decel ramp. The amount of rounding is split
evenly between the beginning and the end of the ramp. A value of 1% would mean that the rounding of the ramp is near
linear. A value of 50% would have 25% rounding at the start of the ramp and 25% at the end of the ramp.
415 Accel Time 3
Default: 10.0 s
Range: 0.1 to 3200.0 s
Level 2
302 (Max Frequency)
. This acceleration ramp is selected by parameter
401 (Ramp Select)
or Sequencer Configuration.
Note that extremely short acceleration times may result in nuisance fault trips.
416 Decel Time 3
Default: 10.0 s
Range: 0.1 to 3200.0 s
Level 2
to 0 Hz. This deceleration ramp is selected by parameter
401 (Ramp Select)
or Sequencer Configuration.
Note that extremely short deceleration times may result in nuisance fault trips or may require an external dynamic brake
or regen current limit.
Table 7-2: Description of X5 Parameters
(Page 13 of 40)
Do not use DC injection braking as a holding brake, or excessive motor heating may result.
Failure to observe this instruction can result in equipment damage.
N’utilisez pas le fraingres CC comme frein de maintien car cela peut entraîner une surchauffe excessive
du moteur.
Si cette directive n’est pas respectée, cela peut entraîner des dommages matériels.