X5 AC Drive User’s Manual
Chapter 5: Operation and Programming
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© 2009 Vacon Incorporated All Rights Reserved
Using the Keeper Data Log
The X5 provides a data collection utility called the “Keeper.” This function accumulates time-based
data during a specific period of time. For example, you might need to determine how many gallons
of liquid have been pumped, how many feet of material have been processed, or how many
“widgets” have been produced in a given time period. The Keeper collects this kind of data for you,
in 8-, 12-, or 24-hour periods of time. The Keeper also logs the kilowatt hours the drive has delivered
to the motor during the recording period, which can help you determine peak energy times for your
To use the Keeper, you need to attach a sensor to an analog input or to the encoder feedback signals.
The sensor should provide a signal that represents the rate at which you are performing a task. The
signal should be compatible with the input range of the analog input or encoder. Set up a few
parameters that tell the drive the input scaling of the sensor, the rate information, and the times in
which you want to capture the data, and the Keeper does the rest. The data can be stored and
retrieved on a USB flash memory device, in a .csv file format that makes it possible to import directly
into a spreadsheet. See
“Storing Keeper Files” on page 53
for instructions on how to store Keeper
data on a USB memory stick.
5.8.1 Keeper Parameters
The following table shows the Keeper parameters and a brief description of their functions. For their
options and defaults, please refer to
page 79
The maximum number of records that the Keeper can store before data is overwritten is 128. If you
select “24 Hour” as the rate, you can keep 128 days of information; “12 Hour” allows 64 days; “8
Hour” allows 32 days.
Table 5-6: Keeper Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Name
Keeper Input Cfg
Configures how the Keeper function gets its input and also
enables the Keeper function.
Keeper Max Scale
Configures the value of the Keeper input signal when the analog
input is at its maximum value.
Keeper Save Time
Sets the time of each day that the Keeper will save an
accumulated process variable.
Keeper Save Rate
Configures whether the Keeper will collect multiple records
during a day.
Keeper Input
Provides feedback to display the current value of the Keeper
Keeper Time Rate
Configures the time base of the Keeper accumulation. The
setting of this variable is dependent on the process variable.
Keeper Rec. Num
Shows how many records have been saved by the Keeper.
Active Kpr Rec.
Shows the active Keeper record.
Keeper Units
Configures the units of the Keeper input.