Programming with TIDE
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
Project file: A single file with a .tpr extension. Contains project
settings, and a list of all files included with the project.
Header files: Multiple files with a .tbh extension. Used for inclusion
into other files; usually contain declarations for global variables,
constants, etc.
BASIC files: Multiple files with a .tbs extension. Contain the actual
body of your program.
HTML files: Multiple files with an .html extension (displayed with
the currently associated icon). Contain webpages to be displayed by
the embedded webserver. These can include blocks of Tibbo Basic
code. See
Resource files: Multiple files without any set extension. Contain
resources (such as images) needed for other files. Some resource
files (.cfg, .txt, .ini) can be edited from within TIDE:
.cfg, .txt, and .ini files are considered to be text files and can be
edited using TIDE's built-in text editor.
.bmp, .jpg, and .png files are graphical files; these will be opened
using TIDE's built-in
Note that the only really set extension is the one for the project file --
tpr. This file contains references to the other files within the project.
These may use any extension, as long as their type is correctly stated
in the project file (this is selected when adding the file, as described
The extensions above are the default extensions which are associated
with TIDE, and we recommend maintaining them.
The project path is a folder containing all the files described above.