Programming with TIDE
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
you see is what you get.
The watch pane is one of the places where enumeration types become very useful.
Look at sys.runmode above. Because its possible values are described through an
enum, you can see a meaningful state description, rather than just a number. This
is one of the main reasons for the existence of enumeration types in Tibbo Basic.
To remove a variable from the watch, select it and press Delete, select
Debug > Remove from Watch List or click the Remove from Watch List
button on the Debug toolbar.
The Watch Tooltip
This is the watch tooltip:
When you hover the mouse cursor over an identifier in the source while in debug
mode you will see a tooltip with the current value for this identifier.
For now, this won't work for arrays. If you want to inspect the values of
an array add this array to the watch list.
The Project Browser
The Project Browser is a tab in the Project pane, which can be toggled by View >
Project. It displays all objects for your platform, with the properties and methods
for each object. It also displays all procedures and global variables in your project.
While debugging, you can see the value of an object property or a global variable
by hovering over its identifier in the tree.