Glossary of Terms
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
A meaningful combination of language elements, including keywords, identifiers,
constants, etc. An example of a construct would be A = B + 5.
This is the practice of using one device to observe and control the state of a
program running on another device, in order to find bugs in it. Under Tibbo Basic,
your computer displays various status messages and information about variables
etc, but the actual code is executed on the
. The target state is
periodically polled and displayed on your computer. Hence, cross-debugging.
Any 'name' for a variable, a function, a subroutine, a constant, or any other 'thing'
you may call or refer to within a program. In the statement x = 5, x is an
identifier. An existing
cannot be used as an identifier, since it already
has a fixed meaning as part of Tibbo Basic syntax.
A single word which carries a specific meaning within Tibbo Basic. Keywords are
listed under
marking the beginning of a block of code which will then be called
using a
. Labels are declared in code by writing their name,
followed by a colon, on a single line.
A software program processing the output of the
, to look for any cross-
references between the units. If compilation unit A calls a procedure which is in
compilation unit B, the linker associates between the two, and provides
compilation unit A with the proper memory addresses so that it could actually
reach the procedure it needs in unit B.
Pseudo-Code. This is code which is not executed directly by a processor, but by a
'virtual processor' (called a Virtual Machine) which is a part of TiOS that emulates
a processor, interprets the P-Code and executes it.
The Tibbo Basic compiler produces P-Code.
A system call. This is an internal platform function -- not to be used explicitly. It is
expressed as a numeric value. Syscalls are automatically invoked when you
perform certain operations in code, such as variable type conversion.
You do not have to invoke syscalls directly within your code -- it is not