Language Reference
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
i = 30 / 10 ' 3
i = 10 / 3 ' also 3 -- only integers are supported, decimal part is
MOD Operator
Used to divide two numbers and return the remainder.
i = 10 mod 3 ' this would be 1
= Operator
(1) Equality operator. (2) Assignment operator.
if i = 5 then .... ' as an equality operator
i = 5 ' as an assignment operator
AND Operator
(1) Logical AND. (2) Bitwise AND.
if i = 5 AND j = 10 then.... ' as a logical AND
x =
&b01011001 AND
&b10101011 ' this would be
NOT Operator
(1) Logical NOT. (2) Bitwise NOT.
if NOT b then.... ' as a logical NOT -- b is a boolean value
x = NOT &b01011001 ' this would be &b10100110
OR Operator
(1) Logical OR. (2) Bitwise OR.
if i = 5 OR j = 10 then.... ' as a logical OR
x =
&b10110101 OR
&b01011001 ' this would be